Drips and Drains Plumbing have been servicing Canberra and its surrounding region for over 20 years and was founded by Evan Gordon, a local Canberra boy who grew up in Tuggeranong and trained at the CIT in Fyshwick.
Evan’s strong work ethic and honest approach to work has seen Drips and Drains grow over the last 20 years. He has established long term relationships with local families and businesses, a testament to the services that he has provided to his clients. Word of mouth has seen it grow from strength to strength.
The office is located in the Inner South of Canberra allowing easy access to all surrounding areas including Woden, Tuggeranong, Weston Creek, North Canberra, Belconnen, Gungahlin, Jerrabomberra and Queanbeyan.
Drips and Drains are licensed in both the ACT and NSW. The team consist of highly experienced and qualified plumbers as well as one apprentice that is working with the aim of completing his trade. Our staff have been with us for a considerable amount of time providing a stable work place and continuity of work.
book on 0418 480 324
or email
admin@dripsanddrains.com.au |
Evan and his team will provide you with:
- Expert and practical assessment
- Timely communication with you and subsequent rectification
- Value for money for the services provided
